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Weave - Regenerative Living

Welcome to the Weekly Weave!
Woven Web is a community rooted in Boulder Colorado and reaching beyond, with a deeply held vision for a more connected world. We seek to find greater harmony between technology, society, and nature through understanding self and all of it's creative and destructive potential.
In this Weave
Weaving Words - Regenerative Living
Coming Up in Community
Weaving Words - Regenerative Living
At our Regeneration Community Celebration this last Sunday, we circled up to get to know each other and to discuss how we are contributing to regeneration here in Boulder. From this discussion, an inquiry emerged: What is regeneration? And how do we effectively participate in and contribute to a regenerative culture here?
Understanding this seems essential if our aim is to actually foster more connectivity in this space. One of the issues that often arises in the "help the planet" space is that everyone thinks they know what needs done and they become fixated on their unique piece in the puzzle. While it's essential we understand what is our part to play, we also run the risk of being so fixated on what we think we should be doing that we lose sight of the wider vision. I think the key to staying out of this trap of thought rests within the inquiry of what regeneration actually means.
As I go into this inquiry, one point I often return to is the first principle of permaculture: "observe and interact". It seems to me that participating in a regenerative way involves listening to and learning from the systems of life, so that our perspectives and actions can be in harmony with life. With Woven Web, one way we're attempting to put this into practice is by entering into relationship with the many well-established regeneration focused organizations here in Boulder, such as DAR, The Hive, Yellow Barn Farm, Growing Gardens, and Harvest of all First Nations, among others.
A core intention for Woven Web is to weave together community that is deeply rooted in place, and that means listening deeply to the world around us; a world that includes but is not limited to humans. By being in relationship with organizations who are in deep relationship with the land, we are able to better understand what is happening and what is needed within this ecosystem so that we can better apply wise effort to support the world around us.
Book Recommendation: The Regenerative Life by Carol Sanford
Coming Up in Community
This space is evolving. As we develop better systems, we hope to more effectively share with you a cohesive weave of what’s happening in community.
In the meantime, check out some other great community calendars:
Thanks for tuning in. Reply to this email and let us know what you’re thinking and how you’d like to engage with community. And forward this email to someone who you’d like to participate more in community with!
See you in the web,
~ aaron gabriel & woven web