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- Weave - Systems Share to Growth Inquiry
Weave - Systems Share to Growth Inquiry
Reflections from systems sharing, Inquiring together: what is growth?
Welcome to the Weekly Weave!
We just had an amazing systems show-and-tell event last week, and now we’ve got a wonderful collective inquiry evening coming up, exploring the question of what is growth!
Reflections from Systems Sharing
This last Thursday, at the Mycocosm, we hosted our first official Systems pillar event with Woven Web, a Systems Show-and-Tell. It was a grand time, we had 13 attendees, and a majority of the people had some system that they were excited to share about.
A lot of the shares revolved around effective use of technology. Finding ways to stay focused on what matters, enhance productivity, find greater simplicity and effectiveness.There were also some great shares around relational systems; from systemic constellations, to categories for review, to a dedicated space for sharing topics of exploration. Beyond that, we had some discussions around financial systems to support business, health systems especially as it relates to neurodivergence, and also a fun exercise exploring the interconnectedness of all systems.
We followed this diverse sharing up with some lively group discussion, in small breakout groups and then all together. Most people seemed to have one or two shares that they were very interested in learning more about, which was our hope, and a lot of people hung around for a while afterwards talking in more depth.
We also got some great feedback from the group around what kind of systems events they would like to see going forward. That list includes; mapping systems & networks, discussing uses of AI, exploring different mental models, and workshopping a system (picking a system in our own lives or a large system such as boulder transportation and looking to critique it and improve it). We’re excited to try some of these out. Next month, we’re planning to focus on AI and how we can use it for personal and collective benefit!
What kind of systems events would you like to see going forward?
Inquiring together: what is growth?
What is actually true? How can we come to know the truth? Dialogue is an essential part of being human, it’s how we share and learn together; but a lot of what we call dialogue is just me sharing my ideas and you sharing your ideas, and neither of us really willing to look fresh, to look together, to attempt to move towards truth by starting in a mutual place of not knowing. This is our reason for naming “inquiry” as one of our 4 core pillars in Woven Web, to attempt to foster a different way of conversing and thinking together, that might actually create a context for us to move towards truth together.
I’m excited to introduce our director for the inquiry pillar for Woven Web, Andrew Bresee. Andrew loves to understand how things work, from cosmology to consciousness, and everywhere in between. Two years ago Andrew left a successful software engineering career, first to travel the world, and then to focus on his passion of helping people. Now Andrew is a graduate student studying to become a psychotherapist, and his dream is to infuse his natural empathy and compassion with his thoughtful and curious approach in understanding the way things work. One of Andrew's main intentions in life is to combine his head and his heart, and bridge the gap between the Classical and the Romantic.
This coming Wednesday, we’re hosting our first official Inquiry evening, and our topic for inquiry this week is growth. We’re curious to hear your thoughts? What is growth? How do we relate to growth, in our own lives and in our society? We have so many different relationships with growth, including how we learn, how we progress, and how we develop. And perhaps there’s some healthier views of growth, such as watching an acorn grow into an oak tree or a kid grow into a mature adult, and perhaps unhealthier ways of growth such as that demonstrated by our present industrial growth society. Let’s come together in the spirit of inquiry and see what we can learn. It’ll be at 530pm this Wednesday January 10th at MycoCafe, and you can RSVP here!
What does growth mean to you?
Coming Soon with Woven Web
We’ll have our regeneration event coming up the following Tuesday, January 16th. It’ll be a casual networking potluck for folks to come together and discuss regeneration, permaculture, ecology, and all things nature; while sharing food from the land together. We haven’t landed on a date and place yet for our improv event, but we’ll have that decided soon and will inform you of it by the next email.
In the future, I plan to have these emails sent out at least 2-3 days before each event and I’ll also continue to ensure we have the date, time and location set at least one week prior so you can plan accordingly. You can also expect more photos in future weaves, so for folks who miss events, you can stay in touch with what’s happening.
Further, I’ll be creating some space again at the bottom of these emails to share about other events in our community beyond the ones Woven Web is hosting, as we look to more effectively weave community in our world, especially the world we know most intimately here in Boulder.
Big love folks, I hope to see you this Wednesday at MycoCafe,
-aaron gabriel & woven web