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  • Woven Web - Coming Up in Boulder

Woven Web - Coming Up in Boulder

September 29 - October 8

Woven Web: Coming Up in Boulder

Welcome to Woven Web!

We’re so delighted to see how this new incarnation is evolving. This last Monday we had our mixer at Tonic with a return back to the lightning talk formats. We had 7 very inspiring lightning talks with topics such as participation and paradigm shift, organic farming and social permaculture, technology and contemplation, psychedelic therapy, discipline, understanding conflict, and the process of integration. Perhaps even more inspiring than the lightning talks was the discourse that followed them, it was really a treat to see such an engaged group conversing together. Scroll to the bottom for some photos from the mixer.

And make sure you stay connected to our community by joining us at some amazing events coming up in Boulder this week! And we’d love your support in helping this list really support community here in Boulder. Please respond to this email with your feedback and also any events you’d like to see us list on here going forward.

Boulder Events

Friday (Today):

Saturday (9/30):

Sunday (10/1):

Monday (10/2):

Tuesday (10/3):

Wednesday (10/4):

Thursday (10/5):

Friday (10/6):

Saturday (10/7):

Sunday (10/8):

Subscribe to our calendar and see all of these events and more in google calendar. And let us know what else you’d like to see listed here!

Photos from the mixer:

With love,

The Woven Web Team